+49 (0)176 / 10415072 office@ipsmfootball.com

IPSM Football offers a full set of services

The most important aspect for any professional football player is to have 100 % focus on football. Focus is needed to get the best out of your personal asset which is your talent. And it is exactly here where many athletes face challenges:

  • How can you focus 100% on this when there are so many things, such as career planning, to take care of?
  • And how can you take life lasting decisions if you don’t have a qualified partner?

IPSM Football offers exactly what you need with a 360 degree approach: offering a quality set of services covering all your needs. Making sure you are surrounded by experts to support your decisions. So you can focus on football.

And we do this in all major leagues in Europe, South America and Asia. IPSM Football makes sure you have a partner wherever you are.

The road to success!

  • Take your career seriously!
  • Focus on your best asset: your Talent!
  • Let IPSM Football be your partner in providing you all the expertise you need in taking the right decisions!
  • Don’t forget: there is life after your football career!

About us


IPSM Football was founded to HELP professional footballers in managing their career during and after their active football life. HELP also describes IPSM Football value: we are an Honest, Ethical, Loyal and Professional Partner.


IPSM Football brings together a team of people who have been successful in professional sports as either a player, trainer, coach or associated functions. Additionally we have experts from the world of international business and commerce to give you the best financial, tax and legal advice. We bring all this expertise and network knowledge together to help you in managing your career in the best way. Our team have a wide diversity of language and cultural skills to support you wherever your career takes you.

Our clients

We work with players all over the world who fit our vision. Players who see us as their trusted partner. And feel managed and supported as a human being!

Our services

The Intake
Understanding each other, learning to know each other. That is what we like to do here.  IPSM Football likes to be involved. Especially with young athletes, the parents are important during the intake phase.  What are the ideas of the athlete? How does he/she want to set up his career?  IPSM Football will discuss what it can offer to help. After the intake phase everyone can decide on the next steps, and once a positive decision is taken, we will not just sign a contract but also put the career plan together.

Note: IPSM Football respects and works along all FIFA regulations (like the status & transfer of players and protection of minors).

Career Planning
Most important here is to understand your wishes (and your parents where applicable).  We talk about education, just another but critical step after the active professional career. Especially with young players to make sure they always have an alternative to being a professional athlete.  Whilst it is hopefully a long way off, it is important to start planning for life outside of professional sport. And not just for young players!
This will stay the central theme throughout the entire period that IPSM Football is partnering with you. There are important services that fall under this and those will be described below. None of them are in specific order or less important than the other. Together they form the 360 Degree framework for your career.
Be your partner
As a professional football player there are of course challenges arising that regard football. IPSM Football has the experts to help you here. People who are working in professional football with years of experience as a trainer, scout or coach but also who have been professional athletes themselves. They know what is going around and are able to advise you. But we are there for you in all others matters too.
Contract Management
IPSM Football will provide you with the help of specialized law firms who have built their own experience in this very specific niche market of law. However, it is not just a contract. Any good contract is good because the content is good. The content will be designed to represent and protect the wishes of the athlete. This is the base for negotiating with 3rd parties to make sure the best package on behalf of the athlete is defined.

You are the central person in this process. IPSM Football will provide you with the very best in career guidance and always in line with your wishes. We aim to ensure the happiness and satisfaction of you and will be always diligent in the completion of contractual arrangements for you.

Wealth Management
IPSM Football would help to maximize your earning potential and your future investments. IPSM Football will work with the very best in investment advice. IPSM Football works with specialist companies who advise you how to invest, completely tailored to the wishes of your individual needs, to ensure an income after the active career (depending of course on the amount of investment and risk). IPSM Football can ensure that clients get the best in tax advice.
Marketing Management, Branding and PR
The brand is an underestimated but extremely important part of our service. Because the brand is what the athlete represents. IPSM Football will work with you to build an image that is central to personal and career development. The brand determines the contracts you can gain with external sponsors. David Beckham and Roger Federer (all rights respected) are great examples of good brand management.  Today’s marketing has changed since social media extends new ways to build the athlete’s brand and accordingly put marketing campaigns in place for further image and brand development in partnership with our clients.  We can also help you to take care of your PR. PR is very important and has a big influence on your own brand.  A key element of this is media training including how to behave on social media and enhancement of your interview skills, both are critical for a modern day footballer.
Mental and Medical Management
Although these are two different things, they are also very related to each other and are equally important. At IPSM Football we take an active role in your welfare. The mind strongly influences the wellbeing of the body and vice versa. IPSM Football realizes that in Football many clubs offer programs to their players.  What we offer here is not in contradiction with this. You should be aware of and control your body & mind as such protecting your assets that makes you different from the others. IPSM Football works together with recognized institutes who offer tailor made programs.  With a full body check incorporating the latest technology and individual and professional methods, the athlete gets a full picture where his strengths and weakness are. This will help them to put specific training programs in place either with the institute or with their own trainers and/or clubs. Regular check-ups will show the progress and the effectiveness of the training hence a continuous improvement plan. Mental training goes hand in hand. IPSM Football will offer this upon wish either directly or with outside professionals.

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+49 (0)176 10415072



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